Draft Neanderthal genome next week

ResearchBlogging.orgNature News reports that the first complete genome sequence for a Neanderthal will be released, appropriately enough, on next Thursday, the 12th of February, and the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth. It’s the same group at the Max Planck Institute that released the first million bases of Neanderthal nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence [$-a] back in 2006. As in the earlier work, the new data were collected with a “454” next-generation DNA sequencer.

The earlier publication, which I just read this week as part of a reading group focused on next-generation sequencing technology, was more like a stunt than a groundbreaking result in evolutionary genetics. The actual results were two new estimates of the human/Neanderthal divergence times (basically confirming earlier estimates), and a coalescent estimate of the effective population size of the common ancestor, neither of which would be worth a whole paper, let alone a letter to Nature.

But it was pretty awesome just as a stunt – at every step of the analysis, the authors did some clever error checking by comparing the Neanderthal sequence to human and chimpanzee genomes, and they came up with actual nuclear sequence data from a freaking Neanderthal. Ahem. The collection of an entire Neanderthal genome is a big deal as a stunt, but I’ll look forward to seeing what new insight into human evolution comes out of it.


R.E. Green, J.Krause, S.E. Ptak, A.W. Briggs, M.T. Ronan, J.F. Simons, L. Du, M. Egholm, J.M. Rothberg, M. Paunovic, S. Pääbo (2006). Analysis of one million base pairs of Neanderthal DNA Nature, 444 (7117), 330-6 DOI: 10.1038/nature05336

Evolution 2009: Evolution will be blogged

Evolution 2009ResearchBlogging.orgAn advantage of being in charge of the website for Evolution 2009, the joint annual convention of the American Society of Naturalists, Society of Systematic Biologists, and Society for the Study of Evolution: when I suggest that we ought to do something to involve science bloggers in the conference, I get to set it up. Or maybe that’s actually a disadvantage.

In any event, we’re experimenting with a blogswarm for this year’s conference – if you’re attending the conference and think you’d like to ‘blog about it, or just want to help spread the word, head over to the just-posted blogging page, download a badge to put on your site (see my sidebar, and the inset on this post, for examples), and drop me an e-mail so I can add your URL to the list of participating science blogs. I’m also interested in suggestions, both conceptual and technical, for how to improve the resources at that page, which currently consist of a small selection of logo badges, and the list of participants – I’d particularly like to try aggregating relevant posts from participating blogs into a single RSS feed.

With blogging becoming more common as a way to educate the public and converse with other scientists, I hope this will improve Evolution’s profile outside academic biology and facilitate conversation among attendees before, during, and after the conference. Also, as a colleague (who shall remain nameless) pointed out, this should make it easier to organize the kegger.


S.A. Batts, N.J. Anthis, T.C. Smith (2008). Advancing science through conversations: Bridging the gap between blogs and the academy. PLoS Biology, 6 (9) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0060240

Science, blogged

Another example of how blogging can be great for science, both as public education and as communication among scientists: The Open Source Paleontologist Andrew Farke first walks his readers through his nifty new study of skull injuries in Triceratops, which suggests that their horns were used for combat (as opposed to mere display), then follows up with a post detailing the open-source technologies behind the paper.

This is better, to my mind, than whatever coverage the New York Times science section can give Farke’s result. Farke links directly to the PLoS-published paper – mainstream science coverage tells me the journal, at best, and leaves me to ferret out the paper myself. (It’s not that much work, but I’m lazy.) I can read the author’s own explanation of the result, and post comments to ask for clarification, which better approximates the experience at a conference. And, as a bonus, I learn about some ways I can improve my own, very non-paleontological, work: Zotero, for instance, looks well worth a try.

Arrested development, and reproductive incompatibility, from duplicate genes

ResearchBlogging.orgSpeciation isn’t something that evolution sets out to do – it just sort of happens. One day, a species colonizes two sides of a river, say, migration across the river drops off, and then a few million years of genetic drift later, there are two species where once there was one. The question is, what’s the final genetic change that makes the accident of speciation irrevocable?

A paper in this week’s Science pinpoints exactly that change. Bikard and coauthors report that, in the little flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana (the plant world’s answer to white lab mice and Drosophila fruit flies), it only takes one duplicated gene to finalize speciation [$-a]. It’s a clear-cut case of a classic speciation scenario, BatesonDobzhanskyMuller incompatibility.

Arabidopsis thaliana
Photo by tico bassie.

It all comes down to gene duplication, which I’ve discussed before in the context of the trouble it gives to genetic analysis. Making copies of an entire genome is an error-prone process, and sometimes a whole gene gets duplicated twice. If that extra copy is inherited, it means that the carrier has redundant coding for whatever the original gene does – so now one copy can mutate without affecting its carrier’s fitness. Often this just results in loss of function for the mutating copy – sometimes it leads to new gene functions. In Arabidopsis, it’s lead to reproductive incompatibility between two strains of the plant that took different evolutionary paths.

Bikard et al. noticed that, when they crossed two strains of Arabidopsis, the resulting seeds didn’t include every possible combination of the parental strains’ genes – and a few seeds grew short, not-quite-healthy looking roots when germinated. Some of the hybrid seeds just died in mid-development. With a lot more controlled crosses, the authors narrowed the candidate genes down to a pair that normally work together in synthesizing the essential amino acid histidine. Each of the two parental strains had working copies of the two genes – but when you crossed them, sometimes the seeds couldn’t produce histidine, and so they snuffed it.

This looked like the above-mentioned (and awkwardly named) Bateson-Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibility [$-a], which is an old idea about how populations evolve reproductive incompatibilities to become separate species. Under B-D-M incompatibility, a new gene evolves in one population that doesn’t work if it interacts with genes from the other. Imagine if Windows users didn’t have to share documents with Mac users: as the two operating systems went through multiple redesigns and their respective versions of Microsoft Office(TM) were revised to keep up, it might no longer be possible to read a Mac-written Word document on a Windows machine.

Here, as Bikard et al. showed, one of the histidine-producing genes in Arabidopsis was accidentally duplicated – and one copy mutated into non-functionality. The catch is that, in the two partially incompatible strains, different copies went nonfunctional. So now, when the two lines are crossed, a small fraction of the seeds produced get nonfunctional copies of the duplicated gene. They die. And where once there were two strains of Arabidopsis thaliana, there’s something a little more like two separate species, all because of what boils down to the flip of a coin.


D. Bikard, D. Patel, C. Le Mette, V. Giorgi, C. Camilleri, M.J. Bennett, O. Loudet (2009). Divergent evolution of duplicate genes leads to genetic incompatibilities within A. thaliana Science, 323 (5914), 623-6 DOI: 10.1126/science.1165917

K. Bomblies, D Weigel (2007). Arabidopsis — a model genus for speciation Current Op. Genet. & Dev., 17 (6), 500-4 DOI: 10.1016/j.gde.2007.09.006