- This week at The Molecular Ecologist: Take your coding to the next level with Software Carpentry.
- And, at Nothing in Biology Makes Sense! Taking a big-data approach to understand the role of reproductive isolation in species formation?
- New update from Queer in STEM: Examining the outness of queer folks at STEM workplaces.
- “This collection is among the first to reveal all major evolutionary stages of feather development in non-avian dinosaurs …” Dinosaur feathers found preserved in amber.
- Best or worst infection ever? A brewer’s yeast infection of the gut can make the ultimate micro-brew.
- Gee whiz. An editor at Nature goes right off the rails.
- One jab to rule them all? The basis for a “universal” flu vaccine may finally have been found.
- Optical illusion of the week. Here is a moth that looks like a leaf with curling edges.
- With charts! Why infographics are bad for conveying, you know, info.
- Sure, why the hell not? Did the universe begin in a five-dimensional black hole?
- Whew. Turns out that distance running doesn’t increase your risk of arthritis.