Science online, cat fancy edition

The white cat What’s going on in there? Photo by Enrico .

Science online, beards and shields edition

Beard Is this man smiling because everyone else in the room is clean shaven? Photo by Mike Mozart.

Science online, surprising consensus edition

Grizzly Bear - Animal - Wildlife - Alaska It was probably about as easy to find photos of bears as it is to find research papers about them. Photo by Barbara.

Science online, footprints of destruction edition

Great Vintage Movie Marquee:  Elmwood Theater, College Avenue, Berkeley CA Vintage theaters: charming. Vintage attitudes about women’s roles: unprofitable. Photo by Minette Layne.

Science online, bird’s-eye view of peer review edition

Miami Beach Stormy weather ahead. Photo by Elido Turco – Gigi.

Science online, eddies in the space-time continuum edition

Ripples Photo by tomopteris.

Video of the week: Joe Hanson on the evolutionary history behind human endurance running, a topic near and dear to my heart.

Science online, sticky tape and storytelling edition

2006.07.10 - storm's a'comin' Wilderness: still worth preserving. Photo by jby.

Science online, moral hazards edition

Coffee cup Off to the races. Photo by @Doug88888.

Science online, gold-star creationist edition

Tomatoes You might want to plant your own tomatoes, this year. Photo by rachelandrew.

Science online, one in twenty edition

One in a billion Photo by Micah Sittig.