Occurred to me this morning that I haven’t done a retrospective of the past year’s Flickr photostream as I did last year for plants, and birds, and mammals, and landmarks — and while I’m not going to manage that for 2024, at this point, I can and should still post my favorites. I’m getting a bit more comfortable with the camera, and the processing options in Adobe Lightroom, and I think I got some mighty nice results.
These are presented mostly in chronological order, with the exception of the spectacular action shot leading things off, which is from a Thanksgiving weekend hike. They’re not quite (just) the best-of-the-best; I suspect that list would mostly be birds, given the extra challenge of getting good shots. But they do hopscotch through a year with a LOT of travel (Munich and Montreal!) and visits to many beautiful natural landscapes. For many, many more photos, go directly to Flickr.