2024, in photos

Canada Jay taking flight on Rattlesnake Ledge, Seattle (jby)

Occurred to me this morning that I haven’t done a retrospective of the past year’s Flickr photostream as I did last year for plants, and birds, and mammals, and landmarks — and while I’m not going to manage that for 2024, at this point, I can and should still post my favorites. I’m getting a bit more comfortable with the camera, and the processing options in Adobe Lightroom, and I think I got some mighty nice results.

These are presented mostly in chronological order, with the exception of the spectacular action shot leading things off, which is from a Thanksgiving weekend hike. They’re not quite (just) the best-of-the-best; I suspect that list would mostly be birds, given the extra challenge of getting good shots. But they do hopscotch through a year with a LOT of travel (Munich and Montreal!) and visits to many beautiful natural landscapes. For many, many more photos, go directly to Flickr.

Camelias in the Huntington Botanical Gardens, California (jby)
A chestnut-backed chickadee at Deception Pass State Park, Washington (jby)
A western Joshua tree on the slopes of Ryan Mountain in Joshua Tree National Park, California (jby)
Mount Witney, seen from Lone Pine, California (jby)
Western bluebird in North Hollywood Park, Los Angeles (jby)
The Festung Hohensalzburg, Salsburg (jby)
Lotuses in the Jardin botanique de Montréal (jby)
With C at Lake Valhalla, Washington (jby)
Out of the starting line for the LA Frontrunners’ “Howl-o-Ween Doggie Dash” (jby)
A tufted titmouse in Falmouth, Massachusetts (jby)