- This week, at Nothing in Biology Makes Sense! A demonstration of herd immunity with a twist, an explanation for why creationism can never be scientific, and an invitation to submit to the March 2013 Carnival of Evolution.
- In other carnivalian news: Kate Clancy is hosting the next Diversity in Science Carnival, y’all.
- And at The Molecular Ecologist: A new study goes looking for missing heritability, and finds a lot of it. Plus, Molecular Ecology recognizes its top peer reviewers.
- #Scio13 catch-up. Scicurious and Doctor Zen talk blogging for the long-haul; in a not unrelated topic, Doctor Zen talks when to quit. Then, Sci and Kate Clancy lead an in-depth discussion of managing identity online.
- Insert joke about social networks here. Schooling fish find their way out of shadows even when individual members have no clue where to go.
- An experiment that’ll stick with you. The developmental origins of the remora’s suction disc.
- “Why is someone like me interested in ecology?” On the minority experience in ecology.
- Based on a sample of literally almost a dozen African-American profs. New study concludes that there’s no racial bias in NIH funding.
- How you evaluate them will depend on what you already know, of course. Some interesting sort-of point and counterpoint on Bayesian inference.
- But well worth a read-through. Yet more advice about preparation for grad school.
- At least, they did in the last several millennia. A comparison of folk tales to genetic differentiation across Europe suggests that genes mix more easily than culture.
- A living wage, but not much more. What to expect when you’re expecting a grad school stipend.
- Null expectations don’t lie. Testing for sexism, with statistics.
- Oy. The chemophobia of the New York Times Magazine.
- Because even when it makes sense, it may not make a lot of sense. WTF, Evolution?