October 11 is National Coming Out Day, a day for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered folks to come out, and to recognize the importance that coming out and being out has had in the our progress towards full civil equality.
Being open about our lives and loves is an everyday task, but it has real political implications—straight people who know they have a queer friend or family member are much more likely to support treating us like full and equal citizens, and queer kids growing up in a far from queer-friendly world need all the positive examples and encouragement they can get. For more in the way of the latter, there’s It Gets Better, and the Pride Month Diversity in Science Carnival, hosted right here at Denim and Tweed. For more on the political side, let me suggest the national campaign Freedom to Marry, the kick-ass folks at the ACLU; or Minnesotans United for All Families, the campaign to stop an anti-marriage amendment to the state constitution.
Oh, and if you happen to have just come out today—congratulations! ◼