The lab is open!

The Best Science Writing Online 2012, the latest incarnation of the Open Lab anthology of online science writing, is officially available for purchase today. This year’s collection includes my “Intelligent homosexual’s guide to natural selection” alongside contributions from many far better popular science writers—including Carl Zimmer, Eric M. Johnson, Christie Wilcox, Maryn McKenna, Brian Switek, Ed Yong, and Maggie Koerth-Baker.

To mark the release, Open Lab series editor Bora Zivkovic and 2012 edition editor Jennifer Ouellette will be holding an online chat about the book, the history of OpenLab, and how the 2012 edition came together. It’ll be over at the Scientific American website, starting at noon Eastern time (GMT -5h).◼

The Best Online Science Writing 2012 is now available for pre-order

For instance, over at Powell’s Books.

This edition includes my long piece on natural selection and human sexual minorities, alongside many other, arguably more worthy, selections from last year’s crop of online science writing, including top-notch work by Crystal D’Kosta, Kate Clancy, Carl Zimmer, Deborah Blum, and Steve Silberman, among many others.

Thanks to Eric M. Johnson, whose great and timely essay “Freedom to Riot” is included in the collection, for the head’s up!◼

Open Lab 2011 finalists: I’m in a book (again)!

I’ve already tweeted about this last night, as soon as I got the e-mail—but Jennifer Ouellette has just made it official with the complete list of science blog posts chosen for Open Lab 2011. And among them is my long discussion of natural selection and homosexuality. It’ll be great to see that piece in actual dead-tree print. It’ll be even better to see it alongside top-notch writing from such a long list of folks whose work I admire. ◼

Open Lab 2010 available for purchase!

The Open Lab 2010 is here!.

Bora Zivkovic has just announced that the Open Lab 2010, the latest edition of the annual collection of online science writing, is now available for print on demand. Congrats to the hard-working team who put it all together: Bora, Jason Goldman, Andrea Kuszewski, and Blake Stacey.

OL2010 features my first-ever contribution to the collection, the tale of J.B.S. Haldane’s role in Soviet scientific propaganda, as well as top-notch work by Eric Michael Johnson, Carl Zimmer, Deborah Blum, Steve Silberman, Kate Clancey, and many others. So what are you waiting for? Go buy a copy or three.

Another year, and a new Open Lab

The hardworking crew behind the Open Lab collection of online science writing haven’t quite finished production of the 2010 edition yet, but they’re already taking submissions for the 2011 collection. Submit your online science articles published after 1 December, 2010 using the handy online form. Self-nomination is not only okay, it’s encouraged. And hey, it worked for me.

Open Lab 2010 finalists: I’m in a book!

More specifically, my post about J.B.S. Hadane’s involvement in a Soviet propaganda film featuring the revival of a severed head will be included in the Open Lab 2010 anthology of online science writing. It’s a huge honor to be chosen alongside such an incredible list of writers from such a long list of awesome submissions.

As one of forty volunteer reviewers, I know how stiff the competition was, and how hard the final decisions must have been. I only have an inkling, though, of the amazing effort editor Jason Goldman put in to sort through all the submissions, coordinate reviews, and develop a final list.

The cover design for the final print volume will apparently be unveiled at Science Online 2011 (which is next weekend!), and the book itself will be available for purchase once all the submissions are revised for dead-tree formatting.