Hey there, Eugene. Photo by NASA.
- More on Wade’s folly. His pathetic response to critics; there are no primary colors of humanity; we should look beyond culture and genetics to politics; Wade conflates science with fantasy; and laugh so you don’t cry.
- Well, maybe. Are hurricanes with feminine names deadlier than hurricanes with masculine names?
- Ow. The scientific value of viral face-plant pratfall videos.
- A good start, anyway. The EPA unveils a new plan to cut carbon emissions.
- Your dose of hope/despair for the week. A new study aims to predict academic promotion from publication records. Well, kinda.
- Um, thanks? Icthyologists honor the Indiana University sports teams in naming a blind fish with a neck anus.
- Endless forms, &c. Here is a wasp with a zinc-tipped “drill bit” on its ovipositor.
- Perspective check. How humans are collateral damage in microbial arms races.