- This week at Nothing in Biology Makes Sense! Why evolutionary biologists should be excited about the pot genome.
- And at The Molecular Ecologist: Molecular Ecology‘s top reviewers for 2014 and my review of A Troublesome Inheritance.
- Because why wouldn’t you? Figuring out how many habitable planets you can have in the same solar system.
- I take my landfills black, thanks. You can test for groundwater contamination from a landfill by looking for artificial sweeteners.
- Hmm. A lot of Americans who tell pollsters they don’t “believe” in evolution understand how it works anyway.
- There’s a Methods section for that. No, you shouldn’t have to ask scientists to explain their methods before you try to replicate their results.
- Because of course? The brains of gay men who are parents look like straight mothers and straight fathers in a functional MRI scan.
- Sneaky! This fish glows in a color that it’s predators can’t see.
- I’m choosing to believe that I did, anyway. Did humans evolve bigger brains at the expense of muscle power?