- You say “tomato,” I say “pomato.” Yes, you can make a plant that grows a whole fruit salad.
- Time dilation is just the start. Your new guide to the weirdness of special relativity.
- Objections biological, and non-. Evolutionary psychology takes a drubbing in The New Yorker.
- Sure, why the hell not? Shiny! Are these structurally-colored berries “the strongest iridescent [color] in nature?”
- Convergence: the smart thing to do. Selection on the same gene is associated with the evolution of larger brains in both primates and cetaceans.
- Oops? A study of “spin” in popular science coverage traces the hype back to the abstracts of the original journal articles.
- “Blame” is such an unscientific word. The full picture on the connection between a father’s age and his childrens’ risk of autism.
- Peer pressure works. Experimental evidence from the 2010 U.S. election shows that Facebook can prompt people to vote.