Save your Starbucks card, and have a cup of ocean instead. Photo by nicadlr.
- You say potato, I say Solanum tuberosum. When does specialized vocabulary indicate specialized subject matter, and when does it indicate obfuscation?
- Not such a fine line, actually. When does the failure to mention contradictory evidence become a lie of omission?
- Spoiler alert. The ending of The Dark Knight Rises is not very realistic.
- Guess which group is leaner. A (small) study of daily activity in tribal hunter-gatherers finds they expend about the same amount of energy as people living “modern” lifestyles.
- Quelle suprise. That study on gay parenting that interviewed almost no gay couples? A new review suggests it probably shouldn’t have passed peer review.
- Or, the biology of personal tragedy. On the causes, and consequences, of a pregnancy that doesn’t end in a birth.
- “It makes a duck’s back look like a sponge.” A new anti-bacterial coating works by being really, really slippery.
- Immodest proposals. As long as we’re giving up on algebra, why not ditch reading, too?
- Not an “Onion” headline. Caffeine pollution reported off the coast of the northwestern U.S. (Also other places.)