The Blogger odometer informs me that this very post is the one thousandth bit of vexed ranting, baseless speculation, slobbering syncophancy, and/or scurrilous gossip to appear at this fine “web-log.” In fact it’s been more than six and a half years since I first posted at what was then denimandtweed.blogspot.com. Which, wow. Here’s a hastily assembled list of significant milestones over the years:
- My first formal post about a science paper (which was also a Science paper): January 2008.
- My note on the inauguration of President Barack Obama: January 2009.
- The post that ultimately won me a trip to my very first Science Online conference: July 2009.
- The post in which I came out online: October 2009.
- My very first weekly roundup of online science news: December 2009.
- The post about geneticist J.B.S. Haldane’s involvement in a science-fictional Soviet propaganda film, which was chosen for Open Lab 2011: October 2010.
- The post noting that I passed my dissertation defense: April 2011.
- The post assembling my live-tweeting of my fourth marathon: June 2012.
It’s been a good ride. Thanks for reading, everyone!◼