- Mazel tov! Jeremy Fox has left the Oikos blog to start his own site, Dynamic Ecology.
- Puts my Evolution 2012 hangover in perspective. If you thought conferences were exhausting and stressful, try attending one with migraines.
- This is a problem. But we knew that, right? It’s (way) easier to illegally download a copy of Science than it is to use the subscription access system.
- Meet the “nocebo effect.” When the social and psychological cues surrounding medecine make you feel worse.
- “The Air Force wanted to reassure people that it was OK to use atomic weapons …” Part of the reason five men agreed to stand underneath a nuclear explosion.
- Although disseminating Newsweek cover stories doesn’t help. No, the Internet is not making people crazy.
- Sure, why the hell not? Is it possble that papers in high-profile journals collect more citations because of greenbeard effects?
- It’s more interesting than that. Oxytocin isn’t a love drug.
- Huh. Cashew “nuts” aren’t the part of the cashew plant that inspired people to cultivate cashews.
- Best new thing ever, or maybe this month. Randall Munroe has launched an xkcd spin-off devoted to answering bizarre hypotheticals with real physics and math: like pitching a baseball at lightspeed, the odds of getting a perfect SAT score by guessing, and the prospects of a Yoda-powered generator.
- Woah. Images of lightning within a storm that wrapped around Saturn.