- Tell me who you are, and what you think! Have you taken the D&T reader survey yet? Please do!
- Making sense of your holiday gift list. At Nothing in Biology Makes Sense!, Will Godsoe suggests some books for the biologist in your life.
- Tinker, tailor, soldier … Most people have difficulty remembering other folks’ names, but much less remembering their jobs or hobbies.
- Paging Marshall McLuhan. Kevin Zelnio’s vision for online science outreach.
- All that is advantageous does not fix. The evolutionary importance of drift, succinctly explained.
- With video, this time. Scicurious takes on that study of fear and reproductive output in song sparrows.
- To the victor … Crickets that win fights with other crickets become more aggressive afterward.
- What’s in your metric? Counting journal articles as a metric of scientific achievement still makes sense.
- Neat! Circuits made with gallium-indium alloy can heal their own cracked wires.
- Looks like the TSA could use some peer review. Those body-scanning machines at airports are, in many cases, not as effective as a pat-down.