- In mice! Gene therapy has proven effective at preventing HIV infection.
- Still no opposable thumbs, thank heavens. Ravens gesture to other ravens with their beaks.
- Awww. The embryonic development of anoles, imaged.
- Eight-month-old infants understand justifiable meanness.
- A gene “for” many things, or nothing? Mutations to a single gene may cause many different malformations.
- But only until the flavor runs out. Chewing gum helps you concentrate.
- Romans weren’t so careful about “leave no trace.” European plant communities still show the effects of ancient Roman settlements.
- I mean, seriously. Gender-specific science kits are not a good way to get girls into science, and not really helpful for boys, either.
And lastly, here’s video of a starfish-inspired “boneless” robot in action. Good luck getting to sleep tonight!