Pills. Photo by aSIMULAtor.
- Nothing in Biology Makes Sense! I launched a shiny new group blog this week. Is it in your RSS feed yet?
- Rant(s) of the week. Scicurious shreds a truly awful discussion of birth control methods; Kate Clancy piles on, and Michelle Clement explains why girlybits aren’t scary.
- See also, connected to natural selection, however tenuously. A not-all-that-recent study shows that people are more likely to believe claims about human psychology if they’re connected to neuroscience, however tenuously.
- Wait. There are also vitamins in food? Vitamin pills are probably not as magical as vitamin pill manufacturers would like you to think.
- Like sex, and death. Some of the more puzzling features of complex life may be explained by the interaction of the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. (In part.)
- More bloodflow = ?? The colorful blobs on functional MRI brain scans, explained.
- With videos and LOLsagegrouse. Why doesn’t sexual selection eliminate heritable variation in sexual traits?
- First step to smallpox-ville? An experimental malaria vaccine is proving effective in trials.