Science online, certified organic breakfast edition

This organic breakfast may not be “chemical free,” but it could change your brain. Photo by lauren glanzer.

Special congratulations this week to Ed Yong, who is officially a full-time freelance writer as of Wednesday. I can only imagine what he’ll achieve now that this science writing thing isn’t restricted to his spare time.

  • Please note that “direct” experiments ≠ clearer results. Groundbreaking experiments that would be ethically impossible to conduct.
  • Pre-emptive incest? Hermaphroditic scale insects impregnate their offspring just after conceiving them.
  • In other words, bugger off, Senator McCain. Why would you want to sample bears’ DNA? Because bears are actually pretty important, for starters.
  • No word on whether they also dance quadrilles. Teeny-tiny lobsters buzz to scare off predators.
  • The first one alone may cause a spit-take. Four myths about organic agriculture may surprise you quite a bit.
  • Or, less likely to draw, anyway. You’re more likely to win at “rock-paper-scissors” if you play blindfolded.
  • “Ooooh, changes in grey matter.” Scicurious soft-boils a study purporting to show that eating breakfast changes your brain.
  • Population control. When doing observational research on humans, the way you group people into populations may make a big difference.