- Probably delicious with a nice Chianti. A new species of monkey has been discovered in the Amazon, and is already critically endangered. (Short Sharp Science)
- Also link to fewer knitting patterns than crafts bloggers. A systematic comparison finds that science bloggers link to more original scholarly articles, and fewer news media sources, than political bloggers. (CMBR)
- Don’t panic. Yet. The evolution of drug-resistant bacteria may mean the end of usefulness for current antibiotics within a decade. (The Guardian; Original article in Lancet Infectious Diseases)
- We should probably set up more. On balance, marine protected areas seem to have improved biodiversity and productivity. (Conservation Bytes)
- We’re all mosaics. Patterns of cell proliferation and specialization during development are pretty, as well as informative. (Pharyngula)
- Brought to you by the government agency responsible for Tang. Scicurious walks through a ground-breaking NASA study of urination in zero gravity. (Neurotic Physiology)
- Adds up to trouble. American students don’t fully understand what the “equals” sign means. (Cocktail Party Physics)
Video this week: the first part of a USGS-made film about desert tortoises, which are awesome, and very, very endangered. Via Chris Clarke, who posted the whole thing.