- This week, at Nothing in Biology Makes Sense! The life-history evolution behind basketball players’ styles.
- And at The Molecular Ecologist: A new way to look for genetic targets of natural selection.
- Endless forms and whatnot. Here’s an insect species in which females have stick an organ inside the males. But don’t call it a penis.
- The future looks hungry. Famine in the age of global warming.
- “I have a hobby that can kill people.” And that hobby is running.
- The first step towards Hulk-based power generation? Why Captain America’s shield is basically a capacitor.
- “I found friendships had actually strengthened due to my trust. “ On being trans* among academic biologists.
- Frequency-dependent fashion, yes. Selection … ? It turns out beards are most popular when they’re rare.
- Or, as we used to call them, “seeds.” A new movement for open-source (or un-copyrighted, anyway) seeds.