- Not-bad news, everyone! North American honeybees might be having a rough time of it, but they’re not actually declining.
- Plant milkweed. How herbicide-resistant crops are starving monarch butterflies.
- But not for the reason you’d think. Mammals that use noxious scents for defense tend to live alone.
- Baseline, shifting. Fifty years of fishermen’s photography shows the shrinking standard for a big haul.
- The genetics of gay: Excellent coverage, and kinda weird coverage.
- But is it a … wait for it … significant improvement? Rethinking the p-value.
- Probably. Improbable things are less improbable than you think.
- Look out! One secret of the success of “crazy ants” is their resistance to fire ant venom.
- Sounds familiar. The psychology of putting off writing work.