- Eek. Workers on a North Carolina hog farm are carrying multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus bacteria.
- Sure, why the hell not? A project to detect hazardous asteroids is going to be crowdfunded.
- For all your biological-numerical needs. The bionumbers database.
- Phylogeny matters. In the community structure of Cuban anoles.
- Well, okay then. Spiderwebs are electrostatically attracted to insects … but we don’t know whether that matters.
- Bollocks in, bollocks out. How a hair sample allegedly from Bigfoot turned out to contain DNA sequence from just about every other mammal.
- Do your [testes] hang low? Not if you’re Afrotherian. A surprisingly thorough, and unsurprisingly entertaining, investigation of the evolutionary origin of the scrotum.
- Beepocalypse not yet. In spite of ongoing worries about colony collapse disorder, it looks like U.S. commercial beekeeping is pretty stable.
- As they say, it’s just gas. One of the signs of planets in orbit of distant stars may not be created by planets after all.