- In which I take a crack at social science. I’m collaborating on a survey of queer folks working in STEM fields! Have you taken it yet?
- Which history goes back farther than you knew. A historical perspective on colony collapse disorder in bees.
- Chicken, egg? When Republican voters understand climate science, they want someone to do something about climate change.
- Not even the real-world-possible version from 2001. Why the International Space Station doesn’t have artificial gravity.
- Holy poop! Scicurious reveals her “real” name.
- It’s not going away any time soon. More on political interference with peer review.
- But still not the original human language! Linguists identify 23 words in European, Asian, and Inuit languages that have shared roots in a common ice-age-era language.
- The better to evade bats with, my dear. Drab little moth sets record for sensitive hearing.
- See also Ecclisiastes. Scientific fraud: all of this has happened before.
- It’s the little things. On making a lab a nice place to work.
- More sampling = better, as usual. Ground-truthing the data in public databases of plant traits.
- An object lesson in coalescent processes. Why it’s not all that impressive to discover you’re descended from Charlemagne.