- This week, at Nothing in Biology Makes Sense! A proposed unified theory of pathogen specficity.
- Next stop, NSF? Fixing NIH science funding. First, a vexed conversation, then a righteous rant, then some specific proposals.
- Congrats! But also: boo. Blogging science leads to Miriam Goldstein through a successful transition to policy work, which necessitates a blogging hiatus.
- Maybe! Could whales evolve to be even bigger?
- Ones that sound familiar, I might add. Some complaints about Sex at Dawn.
- “To break the close-barred gates of Nature down.” Philosophy of science from ancient Roman poetry.
- “I heard the same claims when evo-devo surfaced …” Why epigenetics isn’t going to revolutionize evolution.
- By the numbers. How winter weather reduces road capacity.
- With some interesting reasoning, and one hellaciously unconvincing graphic. Treating violence like an infectious disease.
- Congrats to Miriam Goldstein! But also: boo. Blogging science leads to successful transition to policy work, which necessitates a blogging hiatus.
- For future reference. Shopping for a biological statistics textbook.
- Billions and billions. … of small mammals and birds killed by domestic cats, according to a new study.
- And have a few (small) quibbles. Academic statisticians read Nate Silver’s book.