- Congrats! Winners of this year’s 3 Quarks Daily science prize announced.
- Man, tits are assholes. If their mates’ feathers are drab, male blue tits neglect their chicks.
- Because we all want to read about how we’ve been judged. An inside look at the newNSF pre-proposal review process: part 1, part 2.
- Just in time for Pride. What would’ve been Alan Turing’s centennial birthday.
- But is that the point? Political scientists are no good at making predictions.
- Check the terms of your reprint agreement! Or you might find your dissertation for sale online.
- Just one more reason not to nap in the Arctic ocean. If your favorite prey is asleep, you don’t have to move fast to catch it.
- Three words: sky crane maneuver. The technical challenges involved in landing the next Mars rover are formidable, and the solutions are downright awesome.
- I need to brush up on my matrix algebra. A new look at the Prisoner’s Dilemma may show how power imbalances arise.
- And is teaching it to watch cat videos on YouTube. Google has built a neural network of computers.
- Which analysis is not, alas, available for review yet. A case of scientific misconduct uncovered by a new statistical analysis.
- Ecology of ecologists. Ecological methods applied to figure out how many people subscribed to the ECOLOG list in 1992, discover why women are underrepresented in science and engineering, and estimate population density of hipsters in Vancouver.
- But maybe that was your plan all along? If your theory paper has too many equations in it, non-theoreticians won’t cite it.
- Hint: it’s not the Chesapeake Bay. How presidential elections are influenced by a 100-million-year-old coastline.
- Tastes like burning! Why chili peppers are hot—and why they aren’t hotter.
- Whoops. Selecting tomatoes for their bright red color also inadvertently selected them to taste lousy.