- Remembering those who went before. DNLee celebrates Black History Month by commemorating the work African American scientists, including zoologist Roger Airliner Young and animal behavior scientist Charles Henry Turner. And look for more stories in the upcoming February 2012 edition of the Diversity in Science blog carnival—or submit your own.
- Climategate-gate. A big leak of documents reveals a conservative think-tank seeking to eliminate climate change from basic science education.
- This week, at Nothing in Biology Makes Sense! C.J. Jenkins celebrates Valentine’s Day by making sense of sexual reproduction.
- Advice for prospective grad students. Don’t overlook the possibilities offered by the M. Sci..
- Keep it friendly. Could competitive social interactions promote inflammation reactions?
- It’s protein, Jim, but not as we know it. The biochemistry of life at eighty degree Centigrade.
- Coming soon, to a basement near you? How to stop worrying and learn to track alien crickets.
- Cutest black market ever? The trouble with tiny turtles.
- It can be done! How to succeed on the tenure track without S/Nature papers.
- Their archiving method is a bit … unorthodox. Wood rats as the “librarians” of the desert.
- For you, not so much. But for your dog … The origins and dangers of chocolate poisoning.
- Fact-checking the Dowager Duchess. What “Downton Abbey” got right—and wrong—about the Spanish flu epidemic.
- In case you need a reason for that Friday whiskey-and-soda. The not even remotely market-based way in which an economics Ph.D. finds a job.