- Does this mean I’m a chestnut tree? Winter day length and temperature cues prompt chestnut trees to shut down their internal clocks.
- How something that big be so hard to find? The largest known dinosaurs—contenders for largest animals ever—aren’t all that well known after all.
- The death of Einsteinian physics is greatly exaggerated. Reports of faster-than-light travel by neutrinos turn out to be due to instrumental error.
- Nowhere to go but uphill, and nowhere uphill to go. Alpine chipmunks in Yosemite National Park are losing the evolutionary race against climate change.
- Menu price: $300,000. The first lab-grown hamburger will be ready later this year.
- Get thee to a genome sequencer. Seeds from a 30,000-year-old squirrel cache have been successfully raised in the greenhouse.
- Suddenly, lab-grown meat sounds a lot better. New evidence that drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus has jumped from humans to pigs, and back.
- The ultimate in parental paranoia. To protect against nest predation, female hornbills walls herself inside her own nest.
- The devil’s in the error rate. A new technology for collecting DNA sequence data is almost ready for prime-time.
- How the Pill works. A handy illustrated guide.
- First awe, then snark. Ed Yong encounters blue whales.