- Welcome to postdoc-dom! DNLee takes a fresh Ph.D. to the Oklahoma State University.
- Recognition by his colleagues, finally. The American Astronomical Society will honor gay rights pioneer Frank Kameny.
- Suck it, George Lucas. This one’s real. Astronomers have produced a data-based rendering of sunset on an extrasolar planet.
- Oops. Lizards on closely-studied islands have become scared of scientists.
- Ten-hut! Just like ants, at least one species of bees produces soldiers.
- Time to get a pseudonym? A survey of online comments sections finds that pseudonymous commenters are better than those posting anonymously or under their real names.
- Arming the locals. Infectious bacteria can pass on virulence genes to native gut bacteria.
- But he still sounds like an asshole. Richard Owen was no creationist.
- Quelle surprise. The genomes of two centenarians reveal no Medelian genes for long life.
- An oldie but a goodie. What can we tell about ancestral human mating behaviors from population genetics?
- Oy. An article in The Atlantic connects some dubious dots.
- Moral of the story: put the good stuff in Figure 1. Why reading scientific papers doesn’t mean what you might think—and shouldn’t.