- Last call! If you haven’t taken my reader survey yet, you have until the end of tomorrow! Thanks to everyone who’s already answered!
- Do this now, please. Pitch in to help Jacquelyn Gill fund her trip to Science Online 2012.
- #UnBerable. More responses to Jesse Bering’s latest embarrassment: Kate Clancy advises an anonymous Evidence-Free Science Provacateur and PalMD suggests Scientific American reconsider its relationship with Bering.
- Guess tenure hadn’t been invented yet. How Charles Babbage tried to remove Isaac Newton’s calculus methods from Cambridge.
- Video NSFW if you’re a quail. What we can learn from studying the mating behavior of cocaine-addicted quail.
- Ugh. Satellite images document the spread of operations at the Alberta tar sands.
- Latina mortua est. Vivat lingua Latina! Botanists decide it’s okay to name new species without describing them in Latin.
- It should be the same kind as ecology … What kind of science, if any, is economics?
- A handy checklist. How to apply for a position as a grad student or postdoc.