- A movable feast. The neurochemical explanation for those viral videos of dancing squid sushi.
- Or, you know, don’t fragment the habitats. To offset the effects of habitat fragmentation and help natural populations adapt to changing climate, just add gene flow.
- The knight’s burden is a heavy one, literally. Was medieval chivalry undone by the sheer weight of knights’ armor?
- Coming soon: age-defying low-iodine diets. Axolotls are neotenic salamanders, meaning they become sexually mature without developing the “adult” characteristics other salamander species typically have—unless you dose them with iodine.
- Reviving, not revived. After being fished nearly to extinction, the Atlantic cod population—and rockfish, and haddock—may finally be reviving.
- We traded guts for brains. Compared to other mammals, humans have unusually big brains for our body size, which means that we also have rather odd bodies.
- And we’re not talking about “Tag” body spray. The African crested rat deters predators by slathering itself in poison.
- These congratulations will not be withdrawn later. Retraction Watch completed its first year of following up on post-publication reviews and refutations this week—well done!