Update, 9 August 2011: I seem to have picked the wrong hashtag–there’s more activity at #ESA11.

The annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America is underway in Austin, Texas, this week. If, like me, you’re not anywhere near Austin, do not despair. There are people who will use the Internet to tell you what is going on at the meetings anyway, out of sheer enthusiasm for ecology! Here are the ones I’m following:
Thanks in part to readers like you, Sarcozona will be covering the meeting at Gravity’s Rainbow. Zen Faulkes of NeuroDojo has apparently been there since Day 0. And Jeremy Fox has been anticipating the meeting for the last week over at the OIKOS blog. Finally, you can follow the official ESA twitter feed and the hashtag #ESA2011 #ESA11 for continuous updates. ◼