Wink wink, nudge nudge, Facebook. Say no more.
- You can’t cuddle a wind turbine. Everybody’s worried about the birds killed by wind turbines, but domestic cats kill more than 1,000 times more.
- Evolved in response to complaints from the downstairs neighbors. Giant (well, 26-pound) rabbits that lived on Minorca three to five millions years ago probably didn’t hop.
- File under: more evidence in support of common sense. Regular testing for HIV doesn’t just help prevent transmission—it can also improve health outcomes if infection does occur.
- Best opening anecdote ever? Those penis spines we heard so much about recently might not have the function folks think they do.
- Speak up! When windy conditions make social signalling by head-bobbing less obvious, anoles modify their communication method.
- Ironically, Stephen Jay Gould changed his mind gradually. When, if ever, do prominent biologists admit they’re wrong?
- Hint: read the comments on this one. Months after the “arsenic life” paper was roundly criticized in online fora, its authors respond in print.
- In case you missed it. Jesse Bering and Gordon Gallup respond to criticism, and do not improve their case. P.Z. concurred, and hectocotyli found still other faults.