Between the all-day conferencing of Evolution 2010 and the fact that car trouble stranded me in Kennewick, Washington, almost exactly halfway between Portland and Moscow, I haven’t done enough online reading to justify my usual end-of the week roundup. I will, however, note a few things:
- Over at Dechronization, Liam Revell totally blogged the Evolution meetings, too—and covered a bunch of talks I missed. You should totally check it out.
- Evolution 2010 attendee Darwinsbulldog has posted lots of photos of the meeting, and Portland in general, over on Flickr.
- The final wrap-up audiocast is now online at Evolution, Development, and Genomics; I’ve updated my own daily post accordingly.
- An excellent Carnival of Evolution (featuring a recent D&T post) is freshly online at Culturing Science.
And, lastly, bluebirds are still frickin’ spectacular photo subjects.

Photos here specifically:
Ah, thanks. I wasn’t sure what to point to, but I’ve updated the link.