Things that happened while I was in the middle of the Nevada desert harassing Joshua trees:
- I had two of my first-author manuscripts accepted for publication. One, reconstructing the characteristics of yucca moths before they became yucca moths [PDF], will appear in the Biological Journal of the Linnean Society; the other, a review of what we know (and don’t know) about how ecological processes create adaptive radiation [PDF], will be in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology. Needless to say, I’m very pleased. I’ll discuss each paper in more detail when they’re posted to the respective journal websites.
- The 2010 Research Blogging Award winners were announced—congrats to Ed Yong at Not Exactly Rocket Science, who took Best Blog, Best Post, and Best Lay-Level Blog; and to Bora Zivkovic at A Blog Around the Clock, who took Best Biology Blog and Research Twitterer of the Year.
- The Daily Monthly blew through its second topic, world population, and is now well into a third, fitness. Andrew Sullivan is calling for the Pope to resign. Slacktivist is almost forty pages deeper into Tribulation Force. I’ve got a lot of catch-up online reading, in other words.
- Apparently the revolution finally came, and we are now living in a socialist worker’s paradise in which pre-existing conditions are illegal and 26-year-olds can use their parents’ health insurance. I, for one, am totally excited to get my new Mao jacket.